Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In memory of others peoples cats

While I was on my holiday vacations I took it upon myself to take pictures of many of my friends companions.  I also heard a sad story from a friend of a friend about her cat that recently didn't make it, who had the same thing my Sam had (Hepatic Lipidosis).  It was extremely sad to hear her tell the story about trying to save her cat.  I completely understood everything she had gone thorough, except my story had a much happier ending.  She was crying when she told the story, which made me cry too.  We were lucky to be in a position to afford to get the feeding tube put it, that made a huge difference for sam, and him being able to make a complete recovery.  So heres to the sweet girl who lost her friend and her one remaining cat.

This guy is named Fat Bastard, and is such a sweet lap kitty.   He is one of the biggest cats I have ever seen. 

New baby and her friend

This sweet fluffer used to live with me a few years ago and belongs to my friend, his name is Cosmo

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